This is what you can demand if you've reported anti-social behaviour 3 or more times to no avail in Milton Keynes

Few people know about the special free legal power available

This week isAnti-Social Behaviour Awareness weekand, though hordes of people in MK experience the problem, many may be unware of their legal rights.

The theme of the week is ‘Know Your Rights’ and residents everywhere are being encouraged to take a stand against ASB - if necessary using a powerful legal tool they have at their disposal if their complaints are ignored by the authorities.

TheASB Case Reviewis a measure that only 6% of people are familiar with, according to community safety centre of excellenceResolve.

Anti-social behaviour is a problem in many areas of Milton Keynes Anti-social behaviour is a problem in many areas of Milton Keynes
Anti-social behaviour is a problem in many areas of Milton Keynes

A spokesman explained: “If you are a victim of repeat ASB, and if you have reported this (usually three times) and are unsatisfied with the response or lack thereof, you can request an ASB Case Review.

“This will demand that agencies, including local authorities, the police, local health teams and registered providers of social housing, come together to hold a multi-agency partnership meeting and review how the ASB case has been handled, what actions have been taken, how effective these actions have been and what else the partners can do to tackle the ASB and support the victim.”

The resolve spokesman added: “As a victim you have the right to have your views represented at the meeting, and at the meeting an action plan to stop the ASB will be drafted and shared with the victim.

“Everyone has a right to feel safe. ASB should be treated as a priority, it is not low level and is a precursor to serious crime.”

People in Mk are encourage to take a stand against anti-social behaviour People in Mk are encourage to take a stand against anti-social behaviour
People in Mk are encourage to take a stand against anti-social behaviour

The Case Review tool was introduced in The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 specifically to bring more power to victims and ensure their complaints are not ignored.

People battling against an ASB problem can also contactASB Help, a specialist charity set up to provide advice and support to victims of anti-social behaviour.

Meanwhile, this week city police have joined the awareness week campaign and are urging people all over MK to take a stand.

Officers have been out conducting special high-visibility ASB patrols on local streets and they are handing out ASB information cards.

Today (Thursday) ASB police were at Franklins Croft on Greenleys and tomorrow (Friday) they will be at the CMK library between 10am and 1pm.