'It's not our fault we're operating without planning permission' says popular Milton Keynes quad biking centre

The facility has been running for eight years

A popular MK quad biking centre has fired back at criticism caused by its retrospective planning application.

Quadrenalinhas operated from Great Firs in Great Brickhill for the past eight and a half years with no planning permission.

But now they must apply to the council for backdated consent, which means residents can air their views as part of the consultation process.

Quadrenalin will appeal if they do not get planning permission Quadrenalin will appeal if they do not get planning permission
Quadrenalin will appeal if they do not get planning permission

Earlier this week theCitizen described how objections had been receivedfrom villagers, the parish council and their ward councillor, saying the quad biking centre caused traffic problems, noise, and harm to the environment.

Today Quadrenalin has answered the criticism and explained why it has been operating for eight years without planning permission.

They say they have “had no complaints” from the public in all those years.

A spokesman for the company said: “ When we started the businesses it was extremely small, only operating on weekends with very few customers. When the business grew within the first year we put a planning application into the council, however we were advised by the officer to withdraw it and operate to gain an insight into local feedback.”

He added: “Most of the individuals didn’t even know we were there. They just associate quadbikes with being loud. However the land layout and trees contain any potential noise and we choose the bikes specifically due to their low decibel noise.”

Recently Quadrenalin had issues with customers struggling to find their exact location.

"Googlemaps was the only way to find us. Therefore due to the business growth and associated issues we felt the need to apply for planning permission.”

The company says the complaints prompted by theplanning applicationhave come from a “select few” in the community.

“They’ve just made assumptions regarding quad biking and our business and have not even attended to actually see what the facility is like,” said the spokesman.

"However a lot of the locals support our business and see no impact with us being there. We also support local businesses through providing customers to them…As a community we should be supporting local businesses and this doesn’t seem the case in this matter.”

The company disputes its bikes are noisy. "This isn't the case... It can be proven in our noise assessments,” said the spokesman.

"The objections themselves are only opinion, however we regularly we liaise with locals and do everything and anything to rectify and reassure them their concerns are heard and measures are put in place to avoid future concerns.”

He added: "We’ve spent a lot of money providing factual information to them regarding noise, traffic, landscaping and architecture all to reinforce our support the community ethos.

"It disappoints us that in a time when businesses are struggling and shutting down that certain people choose to fight against small businesses. “

The planning application is due to be considered soon byBuckinghamshire Council.

Quadrenalin say if it is refused, they will appeal.

“拒绝将导致我们不得不关闭,推杆ing numerous members of staff out of work as well as removing a place for families, adults, children to attend the countryside and appreciate its beauty and get outdoors.

"We provide a great service for individuals and the benefits of this activity are vast.”