米尔顿凯恩斯charity that helps ex-offenders is devastated after cruel burglary

Their premises were trashed and all their fundraising items were stolen

A charity that helps ex-offenders transform their lives has suffered a spiteful break-in that has seen its premises trashed.

Crooks forced their way into the Bletchley unit whereJo’s Hopeis based and stole money, electronics and computers and even raffle prizes gathered for an upcoming fundraising event.

The place was “completely turned upside” in a spree of destruction, said the charity’s founder Joanna Tomkin, a former probation officer who has worked with offenders from Woodhill prison.

Jo's Hope charity premises were trashed during a burglarly Jo's Hope charity premises were trashed during a burglarly
Jo's Hope charity premises were trashed during a burglarly

"The worse thing about all of this is, if they had come to me and said ‘Jo, I'm hungry and struggling’. I would have given them what they needed. No questions, comments or judgement because that's what we do - help people.” she said.

“Instead of delivering the care packages due to go out, I was expending energy dealing with destruction they had caused as well as losing money from having to shut shop at the end of the week.

“How they sleep at night, only God knows. What I do know is this will not keep us down.”

With a major fundraising event, aFamily Funday Picnic, just days away on Sunday, the charity has launched a desperate fundraiser to replace the stolen equipment and raffle prizes.

You can view the fundraising page, which has a target of £2,000,here. Already more than £600 has been raised by supporters.

Jo’s Hope was set up many years ago, after Jo was diagnosed with breast cancer. herself. They later branched out into helping young people too, particularly young offenders, homeless people and those struggling on low incomes.

They organise work training programmes at a local cafe and offer care, support and advocacy services when they first come out of prison.

“Helping ex-offenders to find employment is a fundamental aspect of our charity, and our objective is to help offenders to ‘break the cycle’,” said Jo.

慈善机构也可以local community by offering quality produce, from toiletries to fresh goods, at a reduced cost from its Barton Road premises. Many of these were stolen in the break-in and the shop part had to be closed for a couple of days while volunteers sorted out the mess made by the burglars.

The money stolen was due to help purchase another 50 post-surgery bras for breast cancer patients.

Jo is determined to replace this and has also vowed that Sunday’s Fun Day will still go ahead. “We have a duty to our community and want to see it thrive,” she said.

“We have been asked by several people if we could set up a fundraising page to help us get back on our feet and back to what we always do. So if you are able to – and of course there is no pressure on anyone – we would be grateful. But more than anything we appreciate each and every act of kindness we have received so far.

"To every one who can donate, thank you ever so much. To everyone who can not donate but has sent messages of kindness, we appreciate you.”