The Stables awarded £297,000 in emergency relief funds from Arts Council England

Wavendon music venue The Stables has received nearly £300,000 from the Government and almost £20,000 from supporters via its Crowdfunder appeal.

Monday, 13th July 2020, 3:15 pm
Updated Monday, 13th July 2020, 3:18 pm
The Stables has been awarded nearly 300,000 from Arts Council England.

The Stables has been awarded £297,090 in emergency relief funds from Arts Council England to help support it through temporary closure caused by the Coronavirus.

One of the Art Council’s National Portfolio Organisations, the Wavendon music and arts venue submitted the application for support from March to September.

This pre-dates the Government’s announcement earlier this month that support of £1.57bn has been earmarked to support the arts sector.

Chief Executive and Artistic Director at The Stables, Monica Ferguson, said, “Having lost 95 per cent of our income overnight, we are relieved to receive this additional support from Arts Council England which will fund 60 per cent of our costs during this closure period.“

The Stables has also raised more than £19,000 through its Crowdfunder appeal as part of the Music Venue’s Trusts #SaveOutVenues campaign.

A total of 549 supporters have pledged £19,210, helping it reach 96 per cent of its £20,000 target.

Mrs Ferguson added: “The support we have had from individuals and organisations donating towards our crowdfunding appeal which has reached nearly £20,000 has also been fantastic and we want to thank everyone for their contributions.”

The Stables has been closed since March 17 and has postponed around 300 events including IF: Milton Keynes International Festival as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is no immediate prospect of reopening the venue until the Government’s restrictions on live music venues and theatres is eased and guidance released.

The Stables, which was due to mark its 50th anniversary this year, normally hosts more than 400 concerts across all genres and 200 learning and participation projects each year.