Console Corner: Why Black Ops 4 has ditched single player campaign mode

The latest instalment of the hugely popular Call of Duty franchise is out next month but it has caused a bit of a stir with a noteworthy omission.

ByThe Newsroom
Thursday, 6th September 2018, 11:33 am
Updated Thursday, 6th September 2018, 11:37 am
Call of Duty Black Ops 4 will not feature a single player campaign mode
Call of Duty Black Ops 4 will not feature a single player campaign mode

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is out in October, but what does this year’s iteration have in store?

It is one of the few games that needs little or no publicity such is the clamour for each new iteration.

But some of the pre-release hype this time around has been dampened by what many feel is the glaring omission of a single player campaign mode.

Clearly with all COD games and indeed any modern day shooter, it is all about the multiplayer modes.

But Call of Duty games are well known for their brilliant single player story modes that play out like a big budget Hollywood movie.

Black Ops 4 will be the firstNOTto feature a single-player campaign mode, though.

As you might expect that has gone down like a lead balloon with some fans.

But there is a method to the madness according to Dan Bunting, the studio co-head of developers Treyarch. Simply put the move is a reaction to the ever-changing behaviours of gamers.

“我们提供那么多的球员spend most of their time doing in our games in the series,” Bunting told Eurogamer.

That should - we hope - translate to an even bigger, better and badder multiplayer mode. Information put out in the gaming world reveals there have been a number of tweaks, most notably that automatic health regeneration has been ditched in favour of a manual healing system, which is hoped will give the game more tactical depth and an emphasis on teamwork.

Black Ops 4 launches on October 12 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.