Console Corner: Let’s paint London town red

Whatever you are doing or planning to do this October, cancel it.

ByDamien Lucas
Saturday, 6th June 2015, 11:55 am
Assassins Creed: Syndicate is 30% bigger than its predecessor Unity
Assassins Creed: Syndicate is 30% bigger than its predecessor Unity

That’s because what promises to be one of the game’s of the year will be hitting consoles that month in the shape of Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate.

The latest instalment in the popular franchise FINALLY brings the hit game to the bright lights of London.

Well not so much bright lights as the dim haze of 1869, during the transitional years between the first and second industrial revolution.

The game, which is being developed primarily by Ubisoft’s Quebec team but worked on by nine others at the same time, is the ninth stand alone Creed title.

Marc-Alexis Côté, a creative director at Ubisoft Quebec, whetted the appetite when he recently revealed gameplay will work around the manipulation of criminal factions, the commandeering of vehicles and the use of tools.

He said: “The ability to lead an underground gang, commandeer any vehicle on hand and use modern tools to take on an expansive and fast-paced Victorian London sets this game apart.

“Assassin’s Creed Syndicate has been in development for more than two years and this new modern take on the living open world will please Assassin’s Creed fans and newcomers alike.”

If you thought Assassin’s Creed Unity was big, I suggest you sit down, because Syndicate will be an estimated 30% bigger than its predecessor.

A major new feature is that players can make use of vehicles in the streets and train stations of London to quickly navigate the city, which will be split into six boroughs namely Westminster, the Strand, the City of London, Whitechapel, Southwark and Lambeth.

A grappling device and ziplines will also help players negotiate the vast expanse.

The story sees the two main protagonists, twins Jacob and Evie Frye who were raised under the Brotherhood, make for London.

There they aim to take back control of the city from the Templars by way of manipulating the criminal underworld so prevalent during the Industrial Revolution.

I know I can’t wait...