Console Corner: All for fun and fun for all ...

As keen Playstation 4 gamers will know by now each month you get a choice of free indie games to download.
Super Pole Riders in Sportsfriends Super Pole Riders in Sportsfriends
Super Pole Riders in Sportsfriends

What these games lack in big stable production values, graphics and depth, they usually more than make up for in gameplay, originality and playability.

That is certainly true of one of the Playstation Network’s latest offerings Sportsfriends which hit the console recently.

If you thought playing against friends on the Nintendo Wii was fun, you have to give Sportsfriends a try.

Super Pole Riders in Sportsfriends Super Pole Riders in Sportsfriends
Super Pole Riders in Sportsfriends

It is the game that was made to define the word ‘random’.

Sportsfriends is old school gaming at its best. Addictive, fun, part-style gameplay. Grab a pad and have a laugh is the idea and it works on so many levels.

Essentially the game is a compendium of four ‘joyfully fun local multiplayer games’. The games, Super Pole Riders, Hokra, Johann Sebastian Joust and BaraBariBall are as bizarre as their names.

Super Pole Riders is like pole vault mixed with karate, then there is retro-styled fighting game BaraBariBall, high-velocity sports game Hokra and face-to-face physical party game Johann Sebastian Joust.

The game was recently crowd-funded on Kickstarter, and is part of Sony’s Pub Fund program. And it is easy to see why it got the backing of the everyday gamer.

Only got 1 pad? You can even share your controller with a friend and use half each to play on some of the games.

Sportsfriends is billed as ‘perfect for living rooms, parties, and even backyards!’

And while my wife is yet to be successful in getting me to take my PS4 and play it in the garden (so she can watch 
Holby City and Bake-Off), Sportsfriends is already the game of choice for friends and family who come round, and they want to play again and again which is half the battle.

A superb, free indie game which is as bizarre as it is good.

Out now on PS4, PS3, Windows, Mac and Linux.

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