Steve Tuttle is denied back-to-back MK 10K wins

Despite knocking a minute off last year's winning time, Steve Tuttle had to settle for second place in the annual MK 10km.

Tuesday, 4th July 2017, 12:15 pm
Updated Tuesday, 18th July 2017, 8:25 am
Steve Tuttle

Phil Wylie (Cheltenham Harriers) won with 31.57 with Steve recording 32.12, the 13th fastest in the club all-time rankings. Behind Steve, Jonathan Peters placed ninth (33.48), Jamie Seddon 14th (34.260 and Ian Wood 16th (34.47) to give MMKAC second place in the team race.

This race was the eighth and final race in the East Midlands Grand Prix series and prizes are awarded to those who complete at least five races. Diane Baldwin, in the F60 category, won all her seven races to win this age group.

Mel Wright placed 5th in the senior women’s category, Andrew Wasdell took ninth in the M40 age group whilst in the older age groups Kevin Church was 16th M50 and Les Turton seventh M55.