Rutherford wants gold in Rio after European win

格雷格卢瑟福有他的眼睛是最好的long-jumper in the world after he retained his European Championship at the weekend.

Greg Rutherford
Greg Rutherford

Rutherford, from Milton Keynes, jumped 8.25m to maintain his grand slam of Olympic, World, European and Commonwealth long jump titles in Amsterdam on Friday.

“It’s very satisfying,” said Rutherford afterwards. “I always come to the major championships to win. It was a great competition. The distances weren’t where I wanted it to be. I want to jump a lot further, but I did what it took to win.

“This is my fifth major title and my second European title and I’m thrilled to bits with it. Things are coming round.”

The competition, although one of athletic’s four major titles, is something of a precursor to the Olympic Games, which begin next month in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Rutherford, who famously won gold on Super Saturday four years ago in London along with Jessica Ennis-Hill and Mo Farah, now has his sights firmly set on retaining his Olympic title.

He admits though he won’t be changing his approach to training just because it is the Olympic Games.

He said: “It’s always good to be the best in Europe, but for me it’s about being the best in the world, and when those Olympic Games come around, I’ll be in a better position.

“I just have to maintain. You don’t change your training just because it’s the Olympic Games - some people do but that’s where you get little injuries. I’ll do what I’ve been doing: I’ll head back to Phoenix to work with my coach, doing the same things. I’m planning on having a good Olympic Games.

“I’ll take the experiences I’ve learned in the 10 years I’ve been a professional athlete, everything I’ve learned four years ago, last year and even today to keep up that winning mentality. It’s something I’ll look to keep doing.”