
“You have to remind yourself how special it is because these kind of years don’t come around very often”

Max Verstappen with the winner’s trophy of the Japanese Grand Prix.这场胜利确保了荷兰人的第二个F1冠军


Enduring a near two-hour rain delay at Suzuka, the race was restricted to a time limited affair, but it did not stop Verstappen from opening up a 30 second advantage to claim his 12th win of the season.

需要打法拉利查尔斯·勒克莱尔以8分的优势,摩纳哥车手以第二名冲过终点线塞尔吉奥·佩雷斯in the sister Red Bull, Leclerc though ran off at the last chicane on the final lap, rejoining and almost forcing Perez off the track.







On the race, he added: “I’m very happy we got to race in the end, with the heavy rain at the start.

“Luckily we got a decent amount of laps in and my car was flying.I’m pleased to win here, but also to see the fans who stuck around.”

Promoted to second place, Perez said: “it was a bit hectic at hte end but good racing.I tried to make a move, I think he locked up and went off, I was trying around the outside.I think the penalty was fair.


“It’s a great race for us and for Honda, with Max becoming champion.”

Leclerc added: “Huge congratulations for Max for his second world championship.We’ll keep pushing until the end.
