Kusi improves 60m time to climb MMKAC rankings

The latest news from Marshall Milton Keynes Athletic Club

Dickson Kusi Dickson Kusi
Dickson Kusi

A group of MMKAC sprinters having been competing regularly at Indoor meetings.

Dickson Kusi is currently the fastest and at Newham recently he clocked 6.84 for 60m to move up to fifth in the club all-time rankings.

其他个人最佳时间来自大卫宝儿kye (7.01) and Duaine Tuffour (7.06). Deborah Lago clocked 8.02 to place 11th in the F20 rankings.

Leo Freeland is studying in the USA and ran the one mile race (4.20.83) in North Carolina, the third best in the club indoor rankings.

Laura Zialor competed at Hirson, on the France/Belgium borders and won the high jump with 1.90m, second best in the current UK rankings.