MK cruise to cross-country title

马歇尔米尔顿凯恩斯交流轻松赢得了2015年/2016 Chiltern Cross-Country League and regained the Division One title from Bedford & Country.

Monday, 15th February 2016, 3:49 pm
Updated Wednesday, 17th February 2016, 8:05 am

The final match in Campbell Park saw 104 local athletes in action and, on the day had two individual winners and three in third positions.

Team-wise the club won both the senior men’s and ladies races as well as both the under 15 Boys and Girls categories.

Steve Tuttle won his first senior men’s race but it was only on the third and final lap that he got away from Dan Woodgate (Luton). The scoring ten was completed by Chris Hearn (15th), Charles Wheeler (20th), George Wheeler (22nd), Graham Jones (23rd), Ross Threlfall (29th) Josh Lyman (40th), James Tuttle (45th),Mark Palser (52nd) and Steve Herring (60th).

The senior women packed their scoring four in the top fifteen finishers. Lara Bromilow, yet again led them home, taking 4th place this time but there was a battle going on behind as Nadine Lewycky and Gemma Childs fought it out. For this first time this season Gemma finished the stronger to place 7th and Nadine close on her heels, 8th. Natasha Baker (15th) had ran all five races solidly to back-up their team

The under 17 men, likewise put their scoring team in the 15 of their race, Alfie Yabsley, after two recent second places had to settle for third on this occasion with the fast-improving Conrad Webber fourth. James Minter(12th) got the better of Ewan Forsythe (15th).

15岁以下的男孩杰克维克梅耶尔重复tory after the previous match at Luton but this time it was right down to a sprint finish as only 2-seconds covered the first three home. James Dowsett and Finlay Gibbs put in their best runs of the season with third and fifth places and Robert Hickman clinched the team victory in tenth position. The under 13 boys were beaten into second place by the eventual age group winners, Chiltern Harriers. Jack Sharp led them home, 4th his equal best individual position this season. Alex Brent had his best run, 9th followed by Aidan Murphy (14th) and Ben Green (18th).

Emma Mears placed a fine fifth in the under 17 women’s race with her team being completed by Charlotte Moyse (16th), Anna Radford (26th) and Natalie Nurse (28th).

The under 15 Girls have had close run team races with Bedford and ran out winners here by just 2-points. Montana Edghill beat Enya Deysel for the first time in the League as they finished 4th and 5th respectively then came Gemma Milne(7th) and Jessica Nuttall (17th).

The under 13s, in spite of getting their scoring four in the top eleven finishers, were narrowly beaten by Chiltern Harriers. Barbara De Koning again led the team, 3rd this time around after a second at Luton earlier. Imogen King placed 8th and Charlotte Underwood 10th before a seasons’ best from Chloe Munro (11th) to complete the team.

The under 11’s do not score in the match but there was a very enthusiastic bunch of ten young girls running. Sonja De Koning was again first home, 16th overall and her team was completed by Lily-Mae Smith (24th), Annabel Sanders (26th) and Phoebe Miller (29th).

There was just the minimum of four boys where Harry Rose placed 18th, Kian Nicholson (20th), Archie Cleaver (39th) and Ethan Murrill (48th).

At the end of the season there are awards for the best teams and individuals. Apart from being overall League Champions there were team wins for the Senior Men and Women, the Under 20 Men, the Under 15 Boys and Girls, and the Under 13 Girls.

The Under 13 Boys finished second to Chiltern Harriers whilst both the Under 17 Men and Under 17/20 Women were third to Bedford.

Individual podium gold medal place went to Steve Tuttle, Jack Meijer, Emma Mears and Barbara De Koning. George Wheeler took silver for the Under 20 Men whilst there were bronze for Lara Bromilow, Enya Deysel, Charles Wheeler and Alfie Yabsley.