Why England are being swarmed by flies in the Russia World Cup game against Tunisia

Fly troubles: Things are going well so far for Gareth Southgate's England team in Volvograd, Russia...

ByThe Newsroom
Monday, 18th June 2018, 9:04 pm
Updated Tuesday, 19th June 2018, 4:56 pm
Harry Kane bats away midges and flies during the World Cup game against Tunisia.

But swarms of flies and midges have been plaguing fans and players alike.

Gareth Southgate's side is currently taking on Tunisia in the opening game of the Three Lions' World Cup. Photos before the game showed star striker Harry Kane - who put England 1-0 up early on - swatting away hordes of midges.

The players were told by the FA to apply strong insect repellent before the game, but during the warm up Raheem Sterling was seen swatting them away from his face while several players were covered in flies.

Fans were told they couldn't bring inset repellent into the stadium because all liquids were confiscated at the gate as part of security checks.

The Volgograd Arena was built near marshland and the insect population has exploded in the hot weather.

It is understood that officials knew the midges would be a problem as helicopters were deployed two days ago to spray the area with pesticides.

The Russia tourism board had planned to include in their guide to the city that they had 'deployed chemical weapons' to hit the insects, but this was wording decided against in light of the recent Salisbury poisoning.,

A series of live Sky Sports interviews outside the stadium had to be abandoned before the game due to the swarming.

How to get rid of midges

Have you been affected at home? Here's what to do:

1. Install small mesh screens in windows and near doors to prevent their entry

2. Use air conditioning or fans to keep midges from entering buildings

3. Pick clothing that completely covers the skin, leaving little to bite

4. Use insect repellent to drive them away and re apply every few hours

5. Set up biting insect CO2 traps to draw away the insects and kill them