Players cannot get embroiled in Dons' managerial debate - Bowditch

教员的conversat经理搜索热门话题ion in the player's dressing room at Stadium MK, but Dean Bowditch says he and his team-mates cannot to get too bogged down in the details.

Monday, 14th November 2016, 9:20 am
Updated Wednesday, 16th November 2016, 3:56 pm
Dean Bowditch

The 30-year-old netted hisseventh goal of the season on Saturday in the 1-1 draw with Walsall at Stadium MK- a result which saw Dons drop into League 1's bottom four.

Now more than three weeks since Karl Robinson's departure as manager, Dons are yet to announce a replacement, andchairman Pete Winkelman admitted one might not be appointed until the end of November.But while theuncertainty around the club has raised concern among the players, Bowditch says he and his team-mates cannot afford to let it affect them on the pitch.

"We're only human, we're going to talk about it - everyone talks about it," he said. "But you have to forget about it on the training pitch or on match day.

"We all have our own futures to be concerned about. I'm coming to a point in my career, in my 30s, and I might be looking at other things and another manager coming in is just as important to me as the younger players. But you can't worry about that or let it affect you because once you do that, your performances drop."

Despite being without a full-time manager though, Bowditch insists the spirit in the dressing room is still high, saying the current squad is like 'a mini family' at the moment.

He added: "What I love about our team is that we're sticking together. It's such a great group, the best I've worked with. There are one or two that have gone over the last few years who I have worked really well with, but if you came into the dressing room to see how we are together, it's like a mini family.

"We really enjoy each others company. But when things aren't going right, you either get a rocket up your backside, or an arm around the shoulder. We know how to deal with each other. It's frustrating not just personally but collectively, for your mates, when things don't go right.

"It's frustrating when things aren't going your way as a team. For me, I'm scoring goals but we're down where we are - I don't see it as frustrating for me, but everyone. I'm an unselfish person, and I want everyone to do well."