“One of the hardest pre-seasons”: Dons pair on their return to training

It was a hard first week back in pre-season training for MK Dons

Jonathan Leko said the first week of pre-season training under Graham Alexander has been a difficult one Jonathan Leko said the first week of pre-season training under Graham Alexander has been a difficult one
Jonathan Leko said the first week of pre-season training under Graham Alexander has been a difficult one

The first week of pre-season training is in the books for MK Dons, and it was a tough one for the players as Graham Alexander put his new side through their paces.

Several players noted it was one of the toughest returns to training they had experienced during their careers.

Jonathan Leko said: “This is one of the hardest pre-seasons I've ever done. It has been a really, really tough week, I'm glad we've got through it. We needed it, it has been good.”

Defender Jack Tucker echoed Leko’s sentiments, but admitted the struggles the players go through help bring them all closer together as a group.

“It's part and parcel of it,” he said. “A lot of running goes into pre-season. You've got to do this bit, it's part of football. You just have to embrace it. It helps bond you as well, going through this hard work together.

“It has been physically tough - it always is in pre-season. It is good to be back around the boys again, meet the new faces, and the old ones as well. I've had a good summer, I feel refreshed and ready to go again.”

亚历山大承认只有这么多的战术work he has been able to put across in the first four days working with his side, but Tucker felt what he has been able to incorporate in sessions has given him confidence.

Tucker continued: “We touched base in the summer and put his ideas across straight away, and came across really well. It was a positive for me, and he's only re-emphasised that when we've all come back together.

“We're a week in but already we're getting a clear picture of what he wants from us, which is all you can want really. From what I've seen so far, we're in a good place to go out and do it on the pitch.”

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