Holland is yet to show his full potential, says Manning

听到的MK Dons head coach on his latest signing Nathan Holland after the winger left West Ham

<p>Nathan Holland has only shown glimpses of his full potential, according to MK Dons head coach Liam Manning. The 24-yer-old signed for Dons after leaving West Ham</p>

Nathan Holland has only shown glimpses of his full potential, according to MK Dons head coach Liam Manning. The 24-yer-old signed for Dons after leaving West Ham

Liam Manning believes there is untapped potential in new signing NathanHolland.

The 24-year-old arrives fromWest Ham Unitedwith 57 career appearances under his belt, but most of them came last season on loan atOxford United, where he played 39 times and scored six goals forKarl Robinson’s side.

Having signed Holland for West Ham as ayoungster, Manning feels the best is yet to come from the winger after a strong season inLeague One.

“I worked with Nathan at West Ham, so we go back a bit,” said the head coach. “He's a really exciting addition - a winger with really good movement.

“There is a lot more to come from him, which suits us, and I think we can take his game to the next level. I'm really glad he's chosen to join us because he has had a lot of interest from elsewhere.

“We have to be really clear - recruitment-wise we have to look at the academy, and then we'll look to adding permanently.

“To get someone with his League One experience, and with his abilities, he is a really good addition to our squad in the short term and the longer term as well.”


Sporting Director Liam Sweeting said: “Nathan is a player who we have looked to sign a number of times on loan so when the opportunity arose to bring him to the Football Club on a permanent deal, it was a deal we were really motivated to get done.

“He has some fantastic technical and physical qualities and we have seen him produce a number of high-quality moments already in his career, most of which have come at this level.

“Working under a Head Coach in Liam Manning who knows him well from their time at West Ham United, I’m confident he can take his game to the next level and become an important player and asset for us.”