一个警官的好主意如何帮助引导hundreds of youngsters away from knife crime in Milton Keynes

Four years ago, a neighbourhood police officer noticed he was being called to to deal with more and more complaints of anti-social behaviour from young people in his patch.

Instead of just punishing the youngsters, PC Adrian Cafe took time to talk to them and ask them why they were causing trouble.

Their reply, loud and clear, was that there was nothing else for them to do but hang about on the streets.

PC Cafe quizzed them about what they’d like to do, and several mentioned boxing.

The boxing club has been a huge success The boxing club has been a huge success
The boxing club has been a huge success

Immediately he set about forming a boxing club, based in New Bradwell, catering for boys and girls aged between 11 and 18.

Funding from the parish council meant it was free to the children. Skilled coaches were persuaded to volunteer their services, and members were even given free t-shirts, courtesy of a local printing company.

In no time, youngsters were flocking to the club, which was christened Boxing Clever. And the PC’s reward was seeing an dramatic and satisfying 50% drop in anti-social behaviour cases in the area.

With the help of his colleague PC Steve Prestige, the scheme was extended to schools in MK, with hundreds of youngsters becoming healthily engrossed in the sport and soaking up the discipline it requires.

PC Cafe  receives a  cheque from the Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner PC Cafe  receives a  cheque from the Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner
PC Cafe receives a cheque from the Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner

Today. following an enforced break during the Covid pandemic, the club is once again thriving and ready to launch new youth diversion sessions at Bletchley Boxing Club in Kiln Farm.

These have the endorsement of Thames Valley Police and each youngster signs up to an Acceptable Behaviour Contract as a condition of their free membership.

PC Cafe was presented with a special inspiration award in 2019 for his initiative. At the time he said: "I am passionate about working with young people and believe that successful early intervention work comes from collaborating and engaging with the younger generation rather than by assuming we know what the issues are and how best to resolve them.

"It has been rewarding to see the positive changes in the young people involved in both boxing schemes ... This success would not have been possible without the help of my colleagues and professional partners and I would like to thank them for all of their assistance along the way.”

This week he has received more funding – £910 – from the Thames Valley Community Fund. The cash was presented by Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Barber and Chief Constable John Campbell.

A police spokesman said: “Constant funding is essential to keep this important club in operation. Anyone wishing to assist with funding should contact PC CAFE from the MK North Neighbourhood Policing Team in Milton Keynes.”

The new sessions at Kiln Farm will each consist of one hour’s boxing with a qualified England Boxing coach and an hour’s educational clubroom session.

学校可到处都可以参加,将火车together twice a week to prepare for an end of term boxing show.

The club will actively promote representation from disadvantaged or under-represented groups in the community, and their diversion programme is specifically designed for young people who are at risk of offending or gang culture, have Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) or are disengaged in educational settings.

You can follow the club’s progress on its Facebook pagehere.