Warning to UK drivers as four new driving laws come into force including mobile phone use & low emission zones

From new car features to new cities implementing low emission zones, here are the four new driving rules which have gone live in the UK.

Motorists鼓励智慧并不陌生h the four new driving rules now in force in the UK. The changes include tighter rules regarding the use of a mobile phone and low emission zones.

Speaking to theIndependent, A spokesperson for leasing company LeaseCar.uk said: “It is really important for all drivers to keep an eye out on the changes to motoring rules this summer. No one wants to be landed with a fine or severe driving penalty by simply not staying updated on new regulations.

“Thegovernmentand local councils have both introduced further rulings to help improve air quality in city centres, as well as the general road safety for all users - two areas which have become increasingly more recognised to implement measures of change.

“Stay up-to-date with the latest updates and regulations of the Highway Code this summer to avoid fines and driving sanctions, and help to keep fellow drivers, cyclists and pedestrians safe.”

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    Low Emission Zones

    Low Emission Zones were rolled out in big cities as a way to reduce pollution. If a vehicle does not meet the required emission criteria, you will be charged.

    Multiple cities in the UK including London, Brighton andBirminghamhave already introduced the scheme with some cities including Dundee, Aberdeen andEdinburghto follow over the next few years. Failure to pay the daily charges for a vehicle entering the LEZ will result in heavy penalties.

    Using your mobile phone

    A long-running law in the UK has centred around mobile phones, with the use of them largely restricted. However, the law around using them has now changed.

    Previously, drivers were allowed to use their phone for non-communication purposes, such as viewing their phone for music and more. However, you are no longer allowed to do that. Anyone caught using their phone for any reason now whilst driving could face a fine of £200 and six points on their licence.

    Speed Limiters

    Speed Limiters are now mandatory in all new cars sold. The device is fitted on cars and works by restricting the engine power, limiting the speed of the car.

    Transporting goods into Europe

    Driverswill need a licence to carry goods and more when travelling into the EU, as well as Ireland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Vehicles that will require the standard international goods vehicle licence are vans, and cars/vans towing trailers.