英国的天气:Heat-health警报延长UKHSA and Met Office as hot weather expected to last days

The UK Health Security Agency has extended the warm weather alert until next week

The UK Health Security Agencyhas extended the warm weather alert until next week as the heatwave is predicted to last longer than expected. The firstyellow heat health-alertwas issued earlier this week across six regions in England as temperatures set to soar up to 30C this weekend.

Five regions were then escalated from a yellow warning to an amber yesterday (June 8) as Met Office forecasts indicated that there is a high likelihood that temperatures will be reached rapidly over the weekend and could even cause high overnight temperatures.

An amber alert indicates that weather impacts are likely to be felt across the whole health service, and at this level we may begin to see some health impacts across the wider population, not just the most vulnerable. The weather alert has now been extended until 9am on Tuesday June 13.

Five regions of England are under an amber alert, while a further 4 are currently under a yellow alert.

Dr Agostinho Sousa, Head of Extreme Events and Health Protection at UKHSA, said: “In the coming days we are likely to experience our first sustained period of hot weather of the year so far, so it’s important that everyone ensures they keep hydrated and cool while enjoying the sun.

“Forecasted temperatures this week will primarily impact those over the age of 65 or those with pre-existing health conditions such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Met Office issues amber warm weather alert with ‘health impact’ concerns due to rising temperatures Met Office issues amber warm weather alert with ‘health impact’ concerns due to rising temperatures
Met Office issues amber warm weather alert with ‘health impact’ concerns due to rising temperatures

“If you have friends, family or neighbours who you know are more vulnerable to the effects of hot weather, it is important you check in on them and ensure they are aware of the forecasts and are following the necessary advice.”

The Met Office has said temperatures are set to increase on Friday (June 9) before potentially hitting 29C on Saturday (June 10) ahead of the arrival of thundery conditions. The humidity at night will also become "uncomfortable" as some areas will not get below 15C or 16C, compared to about 3C at the start of the week.

Areas with Amber alerts

West Midlands

East Midlands

East of England

South East

South West

Areas with yellow alerts

North East

North West

Yorkshire and Humber


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