Traffic police to roll out a new cunning way to catch unsuspecting speeding and reckless motorists

Devon and Cornwall Police have become the first to use drones to spy on the country’s most reckless drivers.

Traffic police across theUnited Kingdomcould be set to introduce a new cunning way to catch the country’s most unsuspecting and recklessmotorists. Authorities will start to use drones in abidto crackdown on motoring offences.

The ‘hi-tech’ flying gadgets are able to track the speed of a vehicle and will be situated at fixedpositionson stretches of dangerous road. They will also be able to record incidents of unsafedriving, check theMOT, tax andinsuranceof a vehicle, and operate in changing weather conditions and varying temperatures.

Devon and Cornwall Police became the first force to introduce these measures over Easter weekend, when they focused their ‘eyes in thesky’ on motorcycles. If the trail was seen to be successful, there is a good chance other police forces in the UK will follow suit.

Inspector Colin Harper of Devon and Cornwall Police’s drone team explained: “This innovative use of drones will give us early warning of any offences and allow us to be far more targeted in our approach on the ground. This technology can and will be used to help detect speeding and dangerous driving in all vehicles.

“At present, our focus is on motorcyclists who are at highest-risk according to our data — particularly at this time when more riders will be venturing out again after the winter. We will be deploying this technology on roads where we know motorbikes are travelling too fast, and also around dates and locations where motorcycle events are scheduled.”

Ben Asprey, head of roads policing and chief inspector said: “A further 187 were left seriously injured. Speed and inappropriate riding have been major contributory factors in the collisions we have attended - preventing any further unnecessary loss of life is our top priority.”