The funniest, most gleeful tweets from teachers who are off work because of the snow

ByThe Newsroom
Thursday, 1st March 2018, 2:25 pm
Updated Thursday, 1st March 2018, 2:27 pm
Many schools in the UK are currently closed, and it's not just the pupils who are pleased about it (Photo: Shutterstock)

They're some of the most hard-working people in the world, and teachers certainly deserve a spontaneous day off now and again.

Though entirely committed to providing the next generation with the tools to be great in life, we're sure, some educators seem to be pretty chuffed that a large number of schools across the country are currently closed due tosevere snow.

There's a lot of praying, pleading and bargaining going on in the school districts where classes haven't been cancelled yet

I love being a teacher. I honestly do. And never once have I dreaded going into work. Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for being able to do a job I enjoy, seem to be half-decent at and get to make a difference to kids' lives.But sweet Jesus, I would kill for a snow day.

— Joe (@jawtonloe)February 28, 2018

As we suspected, you never grow out of the excitement a day off school brings, no matter your age.

I think I pray more for snow days now I am a teacher then when I was a pupil

— Ciara Smith (@ciarasmith95)February 28, 2018

The excitement of a snow day when I was a pupil was one thing, but the excitement of a snow day now as a teacher is something else ❄️☃️

— Kitty McCue (@McCueCatherine)February 28, 2018

They aren't even trying to hide their glee at this point...

Daughter: The headmaster announced over the tannoy that there's no school tomorrow or Friday.Me: Did you cheer?Daughter: The teacher did.#Snow

— Ifan Morgan Jones (@ifanmj)February 28, 2018

My department waking up to a 6am announcement of a second snow day in a

— Dan (@TeessideTeacher)March 1, 2018

Some of them are even bursting into song

The@MosesBrownSchool in Rhode Island was closed for#Snowmageddon'15 and this is how Head Of School Matt Glendinning announced it.

— Dany-el (@DanyelBakerAU)March 1, 2018

— Frimley Junior School (@frimleyjunior)March 1, 2018

In fact, the smugness is pretty sickening

Appropriate mug for#snowday- there are no lesson plans!

— Dave Church (@MrChurchTweets)March 1, 2018

I saw a teacher post he was 'stoked' about the snow and would be 'on the lash' at lunchtime. No wonder pupils struggle with English GCSE.

— Damian (@DamianHinds32)March 1, 2018

But among the joy there's always one sensible teacher (and parent) who has to spoil everything.

Worst snow day ever: the school where you are a Y6 pupil shuts, but your dad’s a Y6 teacher and his school remains open, so you have to go to their school, sit in his Y6 class and be taught by him – all day.

——蒂姆•罗奇(@MrTRoach)February 28, 2018

when your school shuts for a#snowdaybut your mum is your English

— Alexandra Davis (@alexandrapoet)March 1, 2018

Originally published on our sister site,iNews