The Chase contestant tragically dies after quiz show episode aired on ITV

The sad news of The Chase contestant’s death was confirmed by her husband.

A contestant who competed in a recent episode of The Chase tragically died after it aired onITV, her husband has confirmed. Debbie filmed her appearance on the ITV quiz show before the Covid-19 lockdown.

She had survived a 14-year-long battle withcancerbefore the disease tragically returned. Her episode first aired three-years ago, but returned to the small screen as a repeat on March 15.

The sad news was confirmed by Debbie’s husband in aFacebookpost, which reads: “Debbie, who was on the Chase on [March 15] and who Sean flirted with, sadly lost her 17 year battle with cancer last week. She was my beautiful wife and it was tough to see but at the same time lovely to see her how she was.

“It was filmed about three years ago. She was one of the last to be filmed before lockdown. She had breast cancer 14 years before this that had been away for a number of years, but about a year after she filmed this it came back in her bones and then in her brain.”

Debbie’s episode on The Chase saw her compete against Shaun Wallace, also known as The Dark Destroyer. Despite accumulating £5,000 in the head-to-head round, she was caught by The Chaser and did not make it through to the final with George and Helen.

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