The 4 rule breaches which could get you banned from WhatsApp

WhatsApp has warned it will ban users if they breach the service's rules, however, many people are not aware of what the rules are.

Apart from the obvious, knowingly sending scams, there are a few things for users to avoid.

What to avoid doing when on WhatsApp

Sending a lot of messages

Bulk messaging, where a person or organisation sends a large amount of the same messages to many phones, may get you banned from the app.

This is usually part of a scam so WhatsApp is cautious of these types of messages.

But this can also occur if too many people report you for your constant messaging.

Using unofficial versions of WhatsApp

WhatsApp has several copycat versions of the app, such as GBWhatsApp and WhatsApp Plus.

If the app detects you using these faux versions, it will get you banned from the real thing.

Sending hoaxes

Whether as a joke, sending fake news and hoaxes which lead to you being reported will result in you being banned.


WhatsApp may ban your account if you're reported to be impersonating other people to extract information.

How do you know if you have been banned from WhatsApp?

WhatsApp will send a notification saying: "Your phone number is banned from using WhatsApp. Contact support for help."

WhatsApp said it bans accounts "if we believe the account activity violates our Terms of Service".

WhatsApp's website says: "Please keep in mind, we might not issue a warning before banning your account. If you think your account was banned by mistake, please email us and we'll look into your case."