Tewkesbury stabbing: Jamie Sansom breaks silence with lengthy statement and confirms he is ‘recovering well’

杰米•桑塞姆是谁捅的二级学院l in Tewkesbury has released a statement, giving an update on his health and showing gratitude to staff and parents

A maths teacher who was stabbed at a secondary school in Tewkesbury has released a statement, after a 15-year-old was charged with attempted wounding with intent and possession of a bladed article on school premises.

In the statement, Jamie Sansom said he’s ‘hopeful’ that he can return to the classroom beforestudentsleave for the summer holidays and also praised staff andparentsfor their support, whilst confirming he is ‘recovering well’.

Tewkesbury Academy was placed into lockdown following the incident with Sansom rushed tohospitalwith a suspected stab wound just after 9am.

He said: “On police advice, I can’t comment in detail about what happened, but I do want to address some misinformation which has been circulating in coverage of yesterday’s incident. It is simply not true to say that I was intervening in a fight between students.

“In my view, there was no point at which Tewkesbury students faced any direct threat. I am pleased to say that I am recovering well. I was well looked after at Gloucester Royal, and by the police, and I’m grateful for that.

“My thanks to everyone who helped put me on the road to what is expected to be a full recovery. I have received more than one hundred messages of support, which has been a big boost.

“It was hugely uplifting to know I had that support behind me, and I want to thank all of my colleagues and the parents at Tewkesbury Academy who have taken the time to reach out. It has meant a lot.

“I hope to be well enough soon to visit the school to thank people in person. And if doctors give me the all-clear, I hope to be back in the classroom before the summer break. I’m due to move to a new school at the end of the year, and it would mean a lot to me to have the opportunity to say goodbye before I move on.”

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