Supermarkets issue urgent recall of savoury snack over salmonella risk

Tesco has confirmed it is recalling the contaminated snack (Photo: Getty Images) Tesco has confirmed it is recalling the contaminated snack (Photo: Getty Images)
Tesco has confirmed it is recalling the contaminated snack (Photo: Getty Images)

Supermarkets are urgently recalling packs of pork scratchings over fears the snack could be contaminated with salmonella.

Snaffling Pig has warned customers not to eat its Perfectly Salted Pork Scratchings as it may cause serious food poisoning.

Tescohas confirmed it is recalling the contaminated snack and shoppers are advised to check their cupboards to see if they have any of the affected batch.

Which batch number is affected?

The affected batch of the salted pork snack is sold in 45g packs and has a best before date of 11 June 2022.

The date can be found on the bottom left corner on the back of the pack.

Snaffling Pig confirmed that no other items are affected by the contamination.

In a statement, the company said: “The safety and quality of our products, and wellbeing of our customers, is of utmost importance to us.

“All Snaffling Pig products undergo rigorous quality and food safety inspections as part of our manufacturing process.

“We can confirm that no other Snaffling Products are impacted by this recall and would like to apologise to our customers for any inconvenience that this has caused.”

What are the symptoms of salmonella poisoning?

If you consume food that has been contaminated by salmonella, you will start to feel unwell within around 12 to 36 hours after.

Symptomstypically include:

Abdomina——发烧,腹泻l cramps- Nausea and vomiting- Feeling generally unwell – such as feeling tired or having aches and chills

These symptoms will usually clear within three to seven days of eating the food that caused the infection.

Advice for customers

Any customers who have bought the affected product are advised not to eat it.

Instead, it should be returned to the store from where it was purchased for a full refund.

Customers who need further information should email[email protected]or call 020 3096 5200.

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