Spider Season: 14p household ingredient could be secret to keeping archanids away as they head for UK homes

Supermarkets charge up to £11 for spider repellent, but a simple household ingredient that costs just 14p may do the trick

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Thousands of creepy-crawlies are set to invade UK homes as spider mating season begins in September. The eight-legged creatures will be hanging around all the way up until October, so the less keen among us may be looking for ways to keep archanids at bay.

According to experts atMagnet Trade, it’s the kitchen and bathroom in particular that spiders are coming for. Mike Norton, Trade and Projects director, said: ‘’Like all species, spiders need water and moisture to survive.

“From sinks and dishwashers to the warmth given off from appliances, it’s the kitchen and bathroom that create the perfect moist environment to draw them in. Although they are mostly harmless, we don’t want crawlers contaminating our food or creeping up on us in the bathroom.”

超市收费从£5 -£11的蜘蛛r repellent. Here are some alternatives that are not only cheaper but leave your home looking and smelling amazing.

Rub lemon peels over the windowsills

‘’This is one of the easiest and most effective tricks, costing around 14p compared to a £10 ready-made spider repellent. Rub lemon peels all over the windowsills or anywhere spiders tend to perch, such as on skirting boards and bookshelves.

“The strong citrus scent will repel them away and give your home a lovely fresh scent.’’

Seal any cracks and openings around your windows and doors

‘’The best way of getting rid of spiders is by keeping them out in the first place. Start by sealing any cracks or openings around your windows and doors with caulk, weather stripping or sealant to reduce the chance of an initial invasion.

“With the cold weather approaching, getting this done now has the added benefit of retaining heat better in your home and saving energy through reduced central heating use and temperatures.’’

Thousands of creepy-crawlies are set to invade UK homes as spider mating season begins in September. Thousands of creepy-crawlies are set to invade UK homes as spider mating season begins in September.
Thousands of creepy-crawlies are set to invade UK homes as spider mating season begins in September.

Keep your home clean and tidy

‘’From kitchen cabinets to behind appliances, spiders hide in corners because they don’t like to be out in the open. Decluttering your home and keeping it organised will reduce the chance of a spider putting up a web.

“Cleaning away dust is also really important as it is small insects and food particles that attract spiders inside.’’

Add spider repellent plants to your home

‘’Adding spider repellent plants is a great natural way to get rid of spiders in the home and they have the added benefit of making your home look and smell good in the process. Plants such as mint, lemongrass, and eucalyptus, with their strong scents, are great deterrents to the crawlers.”

Make a natural spider repellent using essential oils

‘’You can make your own budget-friendly and natural spider repellent by mixing an essential oil (approx. 20 drops) and water in a spray bottle. Spray corners of your home or any moist areas that attract the insects.

“The best essential oils to use are tea tree, lavender, peppermint, citrus and cinnamon.’’

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Dot cinnamon scents and sticks around your home

‘’This isn’t just a scent for autumn and Christmas! The strong scent of cinnamon is perfect for keeping spiders away.

“Dot cinnamon sticks around your home or grab yourself a cinnamon scented candle to burn and you’ll be sending those spiders packing in no time. If cinnamon isn’t your preferred scent, any candle that contains citronella will do the trick.’’

Keep on top of your recycling

‘’Due to the dark and moist environment, spiders are big fans of old bottles and cans. Recycle them as quickly as possible before they move in. If you keep your recycling bin indoors, it might be a good idea to move it outside for the time being.’’

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