Former Crystal Palace owner Simon Jordan reveals prostate cancer diagnosis on talkSport in powerful message

西蒙·乔丹出现在周二talkSportday morning to reveal his cancer diagnosis

Simon Jordan has pulled the curtain back on his personal life, revealing that he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer in a powerful message on talkSport.

The former owner of Premier League football club Crystal Palace took his usual place on the mic for the morning radio show on Tuesday, where he said he had recently undergone surgery for the disease.

西蒙·乔丹出现在周二talkSportday morning to reveal his cancer diagnosis - Credit: talkSport 西蒙·乔丹出现在周二talkSportday morning to reveal his cancer diagnosis - Credit: talkSport
西蒙·乔丹出现在周二talkSportday morning to reveal his cancer diagnosis - Credit: talkSport

Sitting alongside Jim White, Jordan opened up on his health scare when he said: "I'm recovering from cancer, I've had some quite significant surgery, two weeks ago for prostate cancer. As you can see I'm able to come in today but it will take some time to recover.

"The reason I bring it up is that I think it is an important message. If I hadn't have had surgery, I wouldn't be here.

The 55-year-old continued: "There's a real issue of this about awareness. If you don't address it with a simple test, one in eight white men and one in four men get prostate cancer. I wanted to impart the important message to get tested. I've sitting here with six holes in my stomach, peeing a bit of blood but I am here."

Jordan said he will continue to undergo tests for the foreseeable future and wants to raise awareness, labelling prostate cancer "something men shouldn't ignore".

Prostate cancer is considered to be one of the most common forms of the illness in men. On average, around 52,000 males are diagnosed with it every year.