Senior Tory Sajid Javid says MPs £86,000 salaries should be doubled ‘to attract more talent to Parliament’

Former cabinet minister Sajid Javid has said MPs £86,000 salary should be doubled to attract more talent to Parliament.

The former chancellor suggested thatMPs£86,000 salaries should be doubled, claiming talentedpeople推迟来吗politicsbecause of the pay. Javid, who previously worked in investment banking, said he would like to “halve the number of MPs and double the salaries” – taking their pay to £172,000 a year.

He told anInstitute for Governmentevent that the £86,000 salary was partly to blame for a lack oftalentin government positions – taking a swipe at Tory ministers who are “not very good at theirjobs”. The former cabinet minister said he accepted that MPs pay was “a lot ofmoney” but added “you get what you pay for”.

The comments from Sajid Javid come amid a Tory exodus fromparliament, with Mr Javid and around 30 other Tory MP’s announcing that they are standing down at the next general election. Mr Javid said: “One of the reasons I think either people leave or you’re not getting more diverse backgrounds of people in different professions as well wanting to join parliament, I think salary is an issue.

“If people want to see your GPs or senior nurses or headteachers or an accountant give up their job to want to come into parliament they have to take a massive fall in their lifestyle to do it. A lot of people are not willing to do that. So you tend to get in parliament either really rich people who don’t need money and therefore they don’t care if their salary is £88,000 or £28,000.

“Or you will get people that were earning sort of £30,000 – £80,000 is a big jump but they might not come with the skills that parliament needs.”

Former UK health secretary Sajid Javid has suggested patients be charged for visiting GPs or A&E departments (Picture: Justin Tallis/AFP) Former UK health secretary Sajid Javid has suggested patients be charged for visiting GPs or A&E departments (Picture: Justin Tallis/AFP)
Former UK health secretary Sajid Javid has suggested patients be charged for visiting GPs or A&E departments (Picture: Justin Tallis/AFP)

Sajid Javid became an MP in 2010 and has served in a number of cabinet positions, including Health Secretary and Chancellor.