Ryanair has slashed flight prices by 50% - here's the destinations you can fly to from 1 July

Ryanair will be running around 40% of its usual flight schedule from July (Photo: Shutterstock)
Ryanair will be running around 40% of its usual flight schedule from July (Photo: Shutterstock)

Budget airline Ryanair has announced fare discounts of up to 50 per cent on selected routes, in a bid to get passengers back on board.

The airline is planning to run around 1,000 flights a day from 1 July 2020, providing travel restrictions are lifted, and is slashing fares by 50 per cent to encourage flyers to take to the skies again.

Destinations will include popular holiday spots, such as Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece.

Flights are expected to cost half the price of those listed last July and August. Based on an average £33 fare - as listed in Ryanair's latest financial results - this means you could grab a ticket for as little as £16.50.

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    'We will sell at whatever price we can'

    In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary said, "We're looking at carrying less than half last year's July passengers at half the fares we charged last July and August.

    "We will dump prices to get people moving again. Once we start flying in July, we will sell at whatever price we can to fill as many of those seats as we can."

    The airline will be running around 40 per cent of its usual flight schedule from July, and will operate with strict hygiene and safety measures in place.

    Some of these measures will include mandatory face masks, temperature testing at airports and a limited in-flight service.

    奥利里先生瞄准当前规则的人date a 14 day quarantine for all travellers returning to the UK from June 8 to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

    He claims that most travellers will ignore the rules, and that they're practically unenforceable for authorities.

    Mr O'Leary believes they'll be "quietly dropped" or "formally withdrawn" by the end of June.

    He told the Mail on Sunday, "You can fill up your arrival card as Mickey Mouse, 1 Walt Disney Street, London SW22 – they’ll take the cards and off you go. So it’s a complete shambles.

    "The Home Office, Border Force and police will all tell you quietly, and off the record, it [quarantine] is completely unimplementable."