Rhodes wildfires: Charlotte Crosby begs followers to ‘pray’ for her family as fire rages

Charlotte Crosby has begged fans to ‘pray’ for her family who are currently on holiday in Rhodes where horrific wildfires are taking place.

Former Geordie Shore starCharlotte Crosbyhas begged fans to ‘pray’ for her family who are currently stuck in the wildfires which have engulfed the Greek island of Rhodes. The 33-year-old asked hersocial media followersto ‘please pray’ for her mum, dad, and younger brother who were forced to ‘run’ from their hotel and leave their personal belongings behind in a bid to escape the wildfires.

Thereality TVstar shared concern for her mum Letitia, dad Gary and brother Nathaniel, sharing two photos her family had sent her of the fires on the Greek island. One of the images, which was taken on the boat the family are currently stuck on, shows Rhodes filled with smoke.

A second image shows the view from the hotel balcony where Charlotte’s family were staying, with a blazing red sky seen in the background. The former Geordie Shore star wrote online: “Guys please pray for everyone in Rhodes! My mam, dad, and Nathaniel are there with so many others stuck on boats in the sea.

“Please pray for them. This is the last message I received from her,” Charlotte added, referring to her mum’s photo of the fires from the boat.

“This was the view from their hotel before they got evacuated. They had to ditch all their belongings and run.”

Charlotte Crosby has asked fans to ‘pray’ for her family Charlotte Crosby has asked fans to ‘pray’ for her family
Charlotte Crosby has asked fans to ‘pray’ for her family

A few hours after the star shared the social media plea for her family, Charlotte informed fans that her family are safe following ‘a lot of travel’. She wrote: “Family are safe. After a lot of travel along with a lot of other tourists, they made it to an area far from the fires and have found a place to stay. Flights are still operating in and out, so they will be home ASAP.

“Lets pray the fires end and everyone is safe,” she added.

Charlotte’s social media plea comes after thousands of people were evacuated from homes and hotels on the希腊岛的. It has been estimated that more than 3,500 people have been moved by land and sea to escape the wildfires. Despite the intensity of the wildfires, no casualtieshave been reported.