Redemption: ITV cast list and how to watch full series

Redemption follows a police detective as she uncovers the events which led to her daughter’s death.

救赎是一种全新的犯罪剧情片d onITVthis month. The much-anticipated show, which stars Paula Malcolmson andDoctor Who’s Thaddea Graham, see’s a veteran police detective move fromLiverpooltoIrelandand investigate the mysterious death of her estranged daughter.

Filmed in Ireland, Redemption kicks off with no-nonsense DI Colette Cunningham (Paula Maclolmson) who’s life is suddenly turned upside down as she uncovers the events which led to her daughter’s death. The show is written by Sean Cook, Noel Farragher and Susan E Connolly.

Catherine Oldfield, Redemption’s executive producer, said: “For me, Redemption is an emotional, character-driven thriller. On one level of course it is a police show, but it’s more personal than that.

“The stakes are so high for Colette and her family: Will she get her second chance? Can she do right by her daughter, and for the grandchildren she’s just inherited? For me, that’s the driving force in the show, so I don’t think of it as a cop show, although I know some people will.”

Here’s everything you need to know about Redemption including the entire cast list and how to catch up on the series

Redemption - how to watch full series

Redemption aired for the first time onITV1on Friday March 17 at 9pm. Episode two will air at the same time next week, while new episodes will premier weekly thereafter.

You can also catch up on the first episode or watch the full series on the online streaming serviceITVX.

Redemption entire cast list

  • Colette Cunningham - Paula Malcolmson
  • Cara Lockley - Abby Fitz
  • Ross Corby - Scott Graham
  • Siobhán Wilson - Thaddea Graham
  • Niall Kilduff - Ian Lloyd Anderson
  • Liam Lockley - Evan O’connor
  • Patrick Fannon - Keith Mcerlean
  • Eoin Molony - Moe Dunford
  • Jane Connolly - Siobhán Mcsweeney
  • Kevin Cheng - Sean Hughes
  • Luke Byrne - Ds Patrick Martins
  • Debbie Gleeson - Jade Jordan
  • Shane Kinsella - Sean Duggan
  • Stacey Lockley - Rachel O’byrne
  • Becky Jones - Nicky Lewis
  • Tommy Brennan - Shane Fallon
  • Marlene Johnson - Eva Bartley
  • Aisling Cary - Florence Adebambo
  • Dylan Horgan - Darragh Malone
  • Priest - Brent Hearne
  • Ryan Shelby - Evaldas Knezevicius
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