Prince Louis’ fifth birthday marked with release of two new photos of prince in a wheelbarrow

路易王子的第三个儿子,也是最小的孩子Prince and Princess of Wales, is celebrating his fifth birthday today.

To mark the fifth birthday of the Prince and Princess of Wales’ youngest child, the royal family have released an image of smiling Prince Louis in a wheelbarrow, alongside his mother, Kate Middleton. Louis is fourth in line to the throne following the death of Queen Elizabeth II last September.

The photos released by the royal family were taken by photographer Millie Pilkington. It is a departure from recent tradition as previously photos of William and Kate’s children to mark their birthdays, are taken by the Princess of Wales.

For the King’s coronation on May 6, the young prince is expected to accompany his siblings in the procession from Westminster Abbey, according to newspaper reports. He was not seen at the Queen’s state funeral at Westminster Abbey last year as he was thought to have been too young to attend the service with his parents.

Louis attends the private Lambrook School near Ascot in Berkshire with his siblings, Prince George, nine, and Princess Charlotte, seven. He was born on April 23, 2018, in St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, London, weighing 8lb 7oz.