Phillip Schofield slams critics following exit from This Morning and affair with younger man revelations

Phillip Schofield has slammed critics after quitting This Morning and revealing he had an affair with a younger work colleague.

Phillip Schofield has hit back at critics who have shared their views over his exit from This Morning and affair with a younger work colleague. OnInstagramhe said: "Now I no longer work on @thismorning I am free to say this. I hope you have noticed that it’s the same handful of people with a grudge against me or the show who seem to have the loudest voice."This morning IS the best show to work on, with the best people. In all the years I worked there there was no toxicity. You can listen to those persistently loud voices if you like.

"But the thousands of guests over the years, thousands of staff and crew, hundreds of presenters and contributors all know, it IS a family of wonderful, talented, kind, hard working people."

The social media rant comes after former This Morning presenterDr Ranj Singh claimed the culture at This Morning was “toxic”. The NHS doctor released a statement viaTwitteron Sunday which read: “I didn’t know the truth about what was going on with Philip, but I do know the issues with TM go far beyond him.”

Phillip Schofield. (Photo by Dave J Hogan/Getty Images) Phillip Schofield. (Photo by Dave J Hogan/Getty Images)
Phillip Schofield. (Photo by Dave J Hogan/Getty Images)

The NHS doctor featured on This Morning for 10 years and said he’d “thought long and hard about posting” the statement. The 43-year-old added he raised his concerns to ITV while he worked on the show.

He said: “I even took my concerns directly to the top of ITV: the culture at This Morning had become toxic, no longer aligned with ITV values, and I felt like because I whistle-blew I was managed out.

“But as history and experience have taught us, things like bullying and discrimination are very hard to prove, particularly in hindsight and when the ‘people in power’ control the narrative. As we’ve seen, no review or investigation is foolproof. Still, I was assured that certain things were going to be addressed and changes made. I haven’t worked on the show since… and I’m not the only one who has spoken up or experienced similar.”

电视主持人说他的声明结束has learned lessons from working within the industry.

He said: “I say it all with respect, kindness and a desire to make things better. There are some good people in TV, but we need to be brave and stand up to those who aren’t. Even if it’s scary as hell, we have to do the right thing otherwise nothing will change. I sincerely hope something good comes from all this x.”