Pet Expert shares the 5 different dog personalities – Which one matches your pup? Find out with this quiz

Find out what your furry friends personality means with this fun quiz

There are over 10 million households with dogs in them in the UK, so it’s fair to say that as a nation we love our furry companions. They become an integral part of our family dynamics, and often are the most spoiled member of the family.

Recent research fromStudiorevealed pets in Glasgow are most likely to be spoiled by their owners, followed by Leeds and Newcastle. However, even the most generous dog owner might not know just how much their pup’s personality affects the toys and training techniques they will respond best to.

For owners who want to understand their dogs better,Studiohas teamed up with Pet Behaviour and Nutritional Expert Anna Webb to reveal the five different dog personality types and exactly what they mean for your pup’s behavioural and play needs.

Dog ownerswill know well that each dog has its own individual quirks and personality traits that affect what they enjoy and which training techniques they respond best to. Want to find out more about your dog’s newly discovered personality? Here is the full breakdown of personalities from Pet behaviour expert Anna Webb.

What does each dog personality mean?

1. The Joker

Jokers are independent thinkers and natural comedians. They know exactly what they want, which can lead to attention seeking behaviours to get their way. These ‘tantrums’ mean you might find the Jokers shredding cushions or chewing on table legs.

Plush toys are best avoided as they’re easily shredded by the Joker. Instead, opt for some non-squeaky or interactive toys to channel their fun-loving personality. Training a perfect fetch is great for reducing frustration with a quick high-impact energy burn.

Practising basic cues, like sit, down, and stay, every day with the Joker can help to reduce jumping and barking for attention. Frenchies, Bostons, Bull Terriers, and British Bulldogs are great examples of the Joker personality.

2. The Bell Boy

Bell Boys are very intelligent, making them more conscious of ‘threats’ to the home. For example, they’ll likely be the first to let you know when a delivery driver is close by.

A trained Bell Boy will bark and rush to their owner to check they’ve heard him or her, before retreating to his bed and letting you answer the door. So, owners should focus on creating a boundary around the front door by teaching their dog to settle in bed and rewarding them for doing so.

使用各种玩具将有助于维持Bell Boy’s interest throughout the day, making them less bothered by surrounding stimuli. Basic obedience cues with tasty rewards will also help to reduce unwanted behaviour. Tibetan Terriers, Poodles, Westies, and Chihuahuas are Bell Boy breeds that love to alert their owners.

3. The Workaholic

Workaholics love being on the go - they’re high energy and enjoy working hard for their owners through training and play.

If their workaholic nature isn’t satisfied, these dogs may become bored and turn to barking, jumping, and chewing. Long-lasting interactive toys or chews are a great way to minimise this unwanted behaviour.

Workaholics are eager to please and thrive on being busy, so daily obedience practice with positive rewards, such as treats or non-squeaky toys, are a great way to keep them occupied. Make the most of their drive to ‘sniff and find’ with hidden toys in the home or garden.

With their love of sniffing and searching, Cocker Spaniels, Border Collies, and German Shepherds display classic Workaholic traits.

4. The Protector

Protectors naturally want to protect their territory and can be suspicious of other dogs and humans. Lots of socialising and rewarding your pup with high value treats for good behaviour with other dogs is the best way to combat this.

As naturally good problem solvers, they may turn to misplaced chewing unless redirected. Avoid squeaky toys, which can over excite and trigger negative behaviours, and instead focus on proactive play such as fetch or tug.

Protectors are easily trained, so tapping into their problem-solving brains with obedience cues is a great way to keep them occupied. They might like to follow you around the house, so train a settle cue for a designated safe space in each room. The Protectors tend to be larger breeds such as Akitas, Dobermans, and Rottweilers.

5. The Shrinking Violet

Tending to be nervous or unsure, the Shrinking Violet can be found in any breed. They might be a rehomed dog or one that lacked socialisation as a puppy.

Often an introvert, the Shrinking Violet might be ‘spooked’ by sudden noises, making it vital they have a safe space to retreat to.

这些狗需要很多的耐心和一个主人can build their confidence with positive reinforcement. They may not think they like to play, so soft plush toys with squeaks are a great way to get them engaged. Using chews also helps to keep the Shrinking Violet calm and present.