诺丁汉deaths: Tributes to students as two victims named as Barnaby Webber, 19, and Grace Kumar, 19

Three people died following a major incident in Nottingham on Tuesday (June 13) - and two of the victims have been named

The city of诺丁汉has been left in shock after a major incident saw threepeopledie and a man arrested on suspicion of murder. Two of the victims have been named as Barnaby Webber and Grace Kumar, who are both 19-year-oldstudentsat the University of Nottingham.

Two people were found dead on Ilkeston Road at 4am, beforepolicerushed to Milton Street where a van tried to run three people over. A third person was found dead on Magdala Road.

Chief Constable Kate Meynell, from Nottinghamshire Police, said last night: “As you all know, today there has been a shocking and tragic series of events which has led to the lives of three innocent people being taken and left anothermember我公开的一个关键条件nhospital.

“My thoughts are with all the families affected by this horrific incident, and we are working extremely hard to understand exactly what has happened.

“I can tell you that a 31-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in police custody. We are not looking for anyone else in connection with the attacks and I can reassure the public that it is safe to visit the city centre – though there may be some road restrictions as we continue to establish what has happened.”

Police have not formally identified the victims, but Mr Webber has been named by friends and family. In a statement, his family - from Taunton in Somerset - said: "Complete devastation is not enough to describe our pain and loss at the senseless murder of our son.

"At 19 he was just at the start of his journey into adulthood and was developing into a wonderful young man. As parents we are enormously proud of everything he achieved and all the plans he had made.

"His brother is bereft beyond belief, and at this time we ask for privacy as a family to be allowed time to process and grieve."

Grace Kumar, also known as Grace O’Malley-Kumar has been locally named as the second victim, whilst the third, a man in his 50s has not been named yet.

Ms Kumar is said to be a talented hockey player. England hockey said: "Grace was a popular member of the England U16 and U18 squads and our thoughts are with Grace’s family, friends, teammates and the whole hockey community at this time.”

诺丁汉Forest paid tribute to the victims, saying: “We are devastated to learn the news of the horrific events that took place in Nottingham this morning. The thoughts of everyone at #NFFC are with the friends and families of those who have tragically lost their lives and to everyone affected by this incident.”