任天堂reveals dungeons will return to Tears of the Kingdom as Breath of the Wild is named best video game

任天堂has revealed a key gameplay element in Tears of the Kingdom just days before launching the game

任天堂has shared news that dungeons will make a return in塞尔达传说:天国的眼泪before the game launches on Friday (May 12). It comes as the series previous game Breath of the Wild was named in the top 10 best video games of all time by GQ.

塞尔达传说:天国的眼泪will include upgraded dungeons from the previous Zelda game. Dungeons will feature a “wide variety of regional characteristics” with each having their own unique feel.

During a developer interview released on任天堂’s website, the Tears of the Kingdom team finally confirmed some new gameplay elements. Developers revealed the game will move away from the Divine Beast style of dungeons seen in Breath of the Wild after fans criticised them for feeling too similar to each other.

Technical director, Takuhiro Dohta said: “We’ve made dungeons unique to their respective environments, so we think you’ll be able to enjoy the wide variety of regional characteristics.” Expanding on this, art director Satoru Takizawa said the dungeons will be similar to those featured in previous games like Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.

Takizawa said: “Making a wide variety was pretty challenging. The four Divine Beasts were the dungeons in the last game, and they shared similar designs. This time, the dungeons are huge and each carry their own regional look and feel, just like traditional The Legend of Zelda games.

“We think they will provide a satisfying challenge for players. They were certainly a challenge to develop.” Game director Hidemaro Fujibayashi also shared a teaser into one of the dungeons, revealing it will take full advantage of the new vertical play style of the game.

Fujibayashi said: “There is a dungeon that connects directly from Hyrule’s surface. If you dive from the sky straight into the dungeon, you’ll trigger an event. We think this will be a new experience that wasn’t possible in the previous game.”

The reveal for Tears of the Wild comes as Nintendo took the top spot in the best video games of all time rankings.GQasked game developers, streamers, directors, writers and more to help compile a list of the best 100 video games ever created.

任天堂has revealed that dungeons will return in Tears of the Kingdom 任天堂has revealed that dungeons will return in Tears of the Kingdom
任天堂has revealed that dungeons will return in Tears of the Kingdom

Industry experts were given free reign in picking their top 10 favourite games of all time which was then used to rank the best games ever created. 239 experts voted for over 652 games, with the top game placing on people’s number 1 position more than any other game.

The list features a mix of new and old games with a mixture of blockbusters and indie games making the list. Games across all genres made it to the list including games such as Super Mario Bros (96), Stardew Valley (49) and Silent Hill (37).

Here are the top 10 best ranked video games of all time and the full Top 100 best video games list can be found on theGQ website.

The top 10 best video games of all time

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  2. The Last of Us
  3. Tetris
  4. Bloodborne
  5. The Witcher 3
  6. Mass Effect 2
  7. Metal Gear Solid
  8. Portal 2
  9. Dark Souls
  10. Half Life 2
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