Motorists warned parking under tree could result in £800 greenfly poop repair bill - how to avoid

Select Car Leasing has issued a warning to motorists that simply parking under a tree this summer could potentially leave you facing a hefty bill of up to £800

Motoristshave been warned that they face a potential bill of around £800 for simply parking their car under a tree this summer. This is due to a breed of tiny insects set to swarm across the UK over the next few months.

Greenflies are expected to ‘explode’ in numbers soon due to the recent onset of early summer sunshine and higher temperatures. And whilst their large numbers are viewed as positive by nature lovers, they can prove a nightmare for car owners.

Their droppings have the potential to rot paintwork and damage the material seen on soft top convertibles leavingpeoplewith a hefty bill for either getting their vehicle resprayed or a roof replaced.

Graham Conway fromSelect Car Leasingsays issues occur for motorists when they try to beat the heat and park their cars in the shade of a tree. He said: “Greenfly are fairly unassuming beasts, but their appearance masks the damage they can do to a vehicle.

“That’s because they excrete a sticky substance known as ‘honeydew’ that, when it falls on bonnets, boots and roofs, forms a residue. This can be difficult to remove, taking some serious elbow grease and specialist cleaning products to shift it.

“But if left on the surface it turns into soot-like black mould spores that are highly acidic and can therefore eat through paintwork.”

当蚜虫到达他们在数字。一个唱歌le mature tree can play host to around 2.5 million of them and they breed rapidly due to the fact their eggs don’t need to be fertilised.

Mr Conway continued: “It’s unlikely you will never park under a tree at this time of year, especially if you are keen to stop your vehicle becoming unpleasantly hot while you are away from it.

“If you do spot this sticky substance on your motor it’s vital to get to work straight away and clean it off. Not doing so could result in you having to book in for a respray, with the typical bill around £800.

“The best approach is to adopt a strict cleaning regime for your vehicle throughout the year. Carry some wipes in the glovebox so you can get rid of any unwanted substances - including bird poo, which can also damage paintwork.”

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