Millions of Three mobile customers to be hit with £31 a year bill hike

Millions of Three mobile customers will see their phone bill increase in the next few weeks as the network hikes its prices.

The rise will see some customers pay up to £31 extra per year from April, but the additional amount will depend on when they signed up.

Which customers will be affected by price hikes?

Customerswho joined the mobile network before 29 October 2020 will see bills rise by 7.8%.

This rise is in line with the January retail price index rate which measures inflation.

Those who joined or upgraded after 29 October 2020 will see their tariff increase by 4.5% due to Three’s fixed annual price change.

三举了一个例子,如果某人on a £20 per month contract then bills will rise by 90p each month - equating to a £10.80 price hike per year.

For anyone on the same contract who joined prior the 29 October 2020, the annual increase will be £18.72.

How much will customers be charged?

The amount customers will be charged depends on the length of the contract, which phone they have and how their data allowance.

Any customers who want to leave before the end of their contract will have to pay the cancellation fee.

These annual price changes are set out in Three’s terms and conditions.

A Three UK spokesperson said: “Like other mobile providers, our pay monthly plans are subject to an annual price change.

“We have taken the decision to apply an annual fixed percentage increase of 4.5% for new and upgrading customers who joined or upgraded from October 29, 2020.”