Many teachers say their students have changed their lives for the better

More than nine in ten teachers (93 per cent) say their students have had a positive influence on their outlook on life, according to research.

A study of 1,250 teachers inEnglandalso revealed a similar amount (92 per cent) found they’ve learnt more about themselves from working with young people than they ever thought they would.

五分之四(83per cent) say some of the most profound moments in their career have been when a student has taught them something about themselves.

And 89 per cent agree learning ‘life lessons’ from their students makes them feel that made the right decision to become a teacher.

The researched, carried out by Get Into Teaching, the national campaign aimed at encouraging people to consider teaching as a career - explores the ‘life lessons’ teachers say they’ve learned from their interactions with students.

Harrison Moore, 29, a history teacher at Sir Frederick Gibberd College in, Harlow, said: “My role as a teacher is unique in that I get to inspire the next generation while I’m also learning through all the interactions with my students.

“Teaching can be hard work, but it’s fulfilling knowing that I’m playing an important part in young people’s lives and in a role with opportunities for me to grow and develop as a person too.

“One of the most memorable life lessons I think my students have taught me is that learning can always be an enjoyable experience, for both me and my students. Teaching isn't just projecting information at students, but immersing them in my subject and making abstract history a tangible thing that students can learn from, debate, challenge and question. I have learnt that lots of lessons evolve in the moment based on that energy and enthusiasm.”

The results also found more than half (53 per cent) of teachers said some of the life ‘lessons’ students taught them have made them a better teacher.

While 47 per cent said they have changed the way they approach certain situations in life, and 43 per cent said they have made them a better person.

The findings coincide with the launch of a new online video, created by teachers in collaboration with Get Into Teaching, where teachers across the country reveal the lessons they have learnt from working with young people.

The short film, named ‘Student Lessons Shape Lives’, captures a range of personal accounts highlighting the fulfilling and memorable interactions from school that makes it a rewarding career.

When thinking about the best aspects of their teaching career to date, two thirds (66 per cent) of those polled said it was making a difference to the lives of young people.

While 62 per cent said it was witnessing students progress and develop over time – with 52 per cent saying it was seeing students get excited about a subject that they love.

Roger Pope, spokesperson for the campaign, said: “We know how much impact a teacher has, shaping the lives of the next generation, but this research shines a light on how much you stand to gain as a teacher in terms of the personal growth opportunities too.

“It’s reaffirming to see that the vast majority of teachers credit their interactions with students for having a positive influence on their outlook on life – indeed most teachers learn more about themselves from working with young people than they ever thought they would.

“At a time when many final year university students and recent graduates will be exploring their future career options, I would encourage anyone with a motivation to learn, grow and develop as a person, whilst doing something that matters, to consider teaching.”

The campaign is encouraging people to think about teaching as a career to participate in creating a society that gives an opportunity for everyone to succeed – regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, education, or age.

Tax-free bursaries of up to £27,000 to train as a teacher are available in selected subjects, where newly qualified teachers can start on minimum salaries of £28,000 to £34,000, depending on location.

有关gett的更多信息ing into teaching as a career, visithere.

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