Made in Chelsea star Diego Bivero-Volpe & Charlotte Carroll announce death of daughter Aurelia, 2

Made in Chelsea star Diego Bivero-Volpe & Charlotte Carroll said their daughter, Aurelia, 2 has died of cancer.

Diego Bivero-Volpe, a star of Made in Chelsea, and actor/director Charlotte Carroll have announced the death of their two-year-old daughter Aurelia. Aurelia was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, a malignancy that affects white blood cells, last September.

Sharing the heartbreaking news onGoFundMe, a fundraising page they set up to help fund her treatment, they wrote: “Dear friends and loved ones, It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you of our darling Aurelia’s passing. Our little girl went in peace surrounded by loved ones and in the loving embrace of her mother and I.

“In true Aurelia fashion, she left us not with a cry but with a big beautiful smile – frolicking fearlessly onto her next adventure. As we support her through to that next journey wherever that may be, her light continues to guide us through ours, shining bright with her characteristic joy and love.”

They added: “Aurelia will always be the warrior Charlotte and I admire the most. Anyone that met her was constantly in awe of her resilience, intelligence, beauty and good cheer even through the toughest of times.

“Thanks in no small part to your incredible support, we were able to fight alongside her to provide her the most possible time and comfort. Our thanks and admiration for the contributions made here are boundless.

“Without them, the armies of doctors, nurses, healers, therapists, specialists and researchers that saw to her care would not have been possible. With the greatest of thanks and love, Charlotte & Diego”

The post was updated on August 14 and a walk in celebration of her life was planned on August 17.Over £200,000 had been raised for Aureliain their hopes of getting treatment abroad. The funds will now be donated to Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital.

Charlotte, who suffers with endometriosis, used her directing position for a personal project, documenting her difficulties to conceive Aurelia in the film The Topic. Diego, who starred on Made in Chelsea in 2011, and Charlotte continued to provide updates when Aurelia was born and after she was diagnosed with the rare cancer.

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