Levi Davis: Mystery deepens as unusual activity noticed on missing X Factor star’s Instagram account

Levi was last seen leaving a pub off the Catalan capital’s tourist street La Rambla on October 29

Levi Davisinstagramhas been active months after vanishing, a close friend of the missing X Factor star has revealed. The news comes after Spanishpoliceannounced they are investigating the possibility that the 24-year-old drowned nearBarcelona’s commercial port.

Ten days after travelling to see his friend inIbizaon October 19, Davis decided he was going to catch a boat off the island and travel toBarcelonawith noclothesor cash. His passport was found by Spanishpolicea few weeks later, with no sign of theBirmingham-born Rugby player.

However, a close friend has toldthe Sunthat hisInstagramaccount has appeared as ‘active’ several times since his disappearance. She toldSun Online: “I kept going online on hisInstagramand it kept showing ‘activated yesterday’ or ‘activated today’.

“我建议他的家人谁工作has access to it as well because it gives you false hope.”

Chantelle Small met Levi through his family, but the two became acquainted through their shared love of music. She added: “I’m hoping it’s nothing and hopefully there’s another lead and they do find him.

“I’m hoping he’s still in Spain. I’ve read many articles. I try not to check every day because it’s too painful but I hope he’s just somewhere safe and hiding.

“Now and then I message him to see if my text would send and say ‘ hope you’re okay, you’re safe. You got to still have a bit of hope. You got to try and think that maybe he’s hiding, that’s the only possible way to think about it.”

Levi was last seen leaving a pub off the Catalan capital’s tourist street La Rambla on October 29.