International Day of Happiness 2023: What is it, theme, three questions you need to ask yourself today

今年的主题ternational Day of Happiness is “Mindful, Grateful, Kind”.

Today marks the celebration of theUnited Nations International Day of Happiness, a global celebration of happiness and well-being that takes place annually on March 20. Celebrated since 2013, it is a day to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world as a fundamental human goal.

According to the United Nations General Assembly,the aim for the celebration of the International Day of Happiness calls for a “a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples.”

The UN General Assembly established it as an annual celebration on July 12, 2012, as part of its resolution 66/281, recognising the importance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of people all over the world, as well as the importance of their inclusion in public policy objectives.

The resolution was initiated by Bhutan, a country which recognised the value of national happiness over national income since the early 1970s and famously adopted the goal of Gross National Happiness over Gross National Product. It also hosted a High Level Meeting on "Happiness and Well-Being: Defining a New Economic Paradigm" during the 66th session of the General Assembly.

Following the declaration, n 2015 the UN launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which seek to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the planet – three key aspects that lead to well-being and happiness.

International Day of Happiness 2023 theme

The theme for International Day of Happiness changes each year, with a focus on a different aspect of happiness and well-being. This year,the theme is “Mindful, Grateful, Kind.”

Three questions you need to ask on International Day of Happiness

According to theDay of Happiness website, there are three simple steps you can use anytime to help make life happier and kinder, as we can always choose how to respond to things around us.

Step One: Be Mindful

Relax your breathing and notice: How am I feeling right now?

What are you most thankful for? What are you most thankful for?
What are you most thankful for?

Step Two: Be Grateful

Look around you and ask yourself: What am I thankful for?

Step Three: Be Kind

With warm feelings, ask yourself: Who do I want to send love to?

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