Hot cross buns - which wine goes best with Good Friday treat? Experts tell us what to drink with Easter food

不要让她的老公知道这个复活节,这是完整的breakdown of the best wine pairings to guarantee a taste sensation - including your breakfast hot cross bun

Easter is here, with a four-day bank holiday filled with chocolate and delicious dinners. Easter bank holiday starts on Good Friday (April 7) and continues until Easter Monday (April 10), and is traditionally filled with a tonne of delicious foods, but what do you drink with those items?

With that in mind, drinks expert and founder ofDrink Well, Tom Bell, has unveiled the ultimate guide to help you pair your favourite Easter snack or meal with a celebratory tipple to cheer the bank holiday.

Whether you’re a wine fanatic or more a gin person, there is something for everyone and some of the pairings may shock you. These egg-cellent expert wine pairings will be sure to delight your Easter guests, and enhance the delicious flavours found in the popular Easter dishes we all love - make ours a large glass.

Tom Bell, drinks expert and founder ofDrinkWell, has you covered this Easter with a full breakdown of the best wine pairings with your meals to guarantee a taste sensation - including your breakfast hot cross bun!

Perfect wine pairings for Easter feasts

  1. Chocolate Eggs: Red wine and chocolate have always been natural companions and are a fantastic duo for the Easter weekend - so much so that DrinkWell have even created their ownEaster caseof perfectly curated reds to enjoy while munching on your chocolate treats. White chocolate greatly benefits from the floral notes found in gin- such as DrinkWell’s natural botanicalQuarter Gin. Tuck into your decadent eggs with a little tipple that enhances the flavour of the chocolate and injects an exciting, grown up twist.
  2. Roast Lamb: Roast Lamb and red wine are a match made in heaven, and a definite must when sitting down to enjoy a family meal. The fruity, rich flavours in red wine go perfectly with lamb and don’t overpower the taste of the meat. This Easter weekend, choose DrinkWell’s vibrant ‘Traces Cinsault’ and enjoy the notes of redcurrant combine deliciously with the flavour of the lamb.
  3. Hot Cross Buns: As a typical breakfast food over Easter, it’s not surprising that hot cross buns couple up delightfully with sparkling wine. Complementing raisins and other fruits, a dry prosecco such as ‘La Gioiosa Prosecco’ sits well with bready items and those that could be naturally more dry, and enhances the buns taste with sweet undertones and bubbles.
  4. Good Friday Fish: Fish dishes are a popular choice on Good Friday, and tend to have more complex and strong flavours than other traditional meat recipes. The choice of drink will heavily depend on which fish you choose to cook; Cod and white wines like DrinkWell’s ‘Traces Sauvignon Blanc’ are a lovely combination as the lighter fish balances perfectly with the crisp white flavour. If your fish of choice is Salmon, pair it elegantly with rose wine - elect for DrinkWell’s ‘Traces Rosé’ and experience the delicious combination of the fruity wine with richer fish flavours.
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