General Election 2019: Johnson wins shock large majority, Corbyn vows to step down, and Swinson loses her seat - here’s what happened overnight

ByConor Marlborough
Friday, 13th December 2019, 4:41 am
Updated Friday, 13th December 2019, 4:43 am

Here is a round up of everything that happened overnight.

The shock exit poll

As polls closed at 10pm, the joint-broadcasters’ exit poll was announced, predicting a shock majority for Boris Johnson of 68 seats.

The poll also suggested that Labour would be left with just 191 seats - a loss of more than 70, and that Jo Swinson’s Scottish seat was in serious danger.

Alongside the Tories in England, the SNP were predicted to dominate affairs in Scotland, as the exit poll suggested they could claim 55 of the 59 seats up for grabs.

While results are still incoming, it looks as though the exit poll, overseen by respected psephologist, Sir John Curtice, has been broadly accurate.

Corbyn vows to step down

Speaking at his Islington constituency count, where the Labour leader won with a slightly reduced majority, Jeremy Corbyn said his party had to enter a “period of reflection.”

He thanked the thousands of Labour activists who had campaigned in difficult conditions, and confirmed that he would not lead the party in another General Election.

But he stopped short of naming a date for his departure, prompting some Labour members to call for him to go sooner.

Paul Mason, a prominent supporter of Mr Corbyn said the Labour leader could not lead the party through the coming “period of reflection”, and said if he tried to, he would face a leadership challenge by the middle of next week.

Swinson loses her seat

It was a difficult night for the Liberal Democrats, after what had become an increasingly difficult campaign. Poll after poll showed their vote share being squeezed as the two main parties fought hard against each other.

But perhaps the hardest blow for the party, which failed to gain ground across the UK, was the news that Jo Swinson, leader since 2017, had lost her seat in East Dunbartonshire.

Facing a strong challenge from the SNP, Swinson lost by less than 1 per cent.