Gare Du Nord: Knifeman ‘injures several people’ at Paris train station

Six people are injured following an attack by a man with a knife at the busy Gare Du Nord railway station in Paris

A man has reportedly attacked six people with a knife at Gare Du Nord railway station in Paris. The suspect was shot once by a police officer causing a minor injury to the knifeman before he was arrested, reportsLe Parisien.

The attack happened at around 6.45am this morning (Wednesday, January 11) inside the busy station. The six victims were treated by paramedics at the scene.

BFMTVreported that the first victim has a superficial wound to the collarbone, while the other five suffered minor injuries. Police have detained the knifeman and are now trying to piece together the circumstances behind the attack.

Minister of the Interior,Gerald Darmanintweeted this morning: “An individual injured several people this morning at the Gare du Nord. He was quickly neutralized. Thank you to the police for their effective and courageous response.”