Four tips on creating a sense of wellbeing in your home

Since the beginning of the year, wellbeing has been a prominent topic of interest among Brits, in fact, searches for the term ‘wellbeing’ have increased by 257 per cent in the past five months.

As people continue to spend more time indoors, interior style advisor Rebecca Snowden suggests four ways to create a calming oasis to maintain wellbeing at home.

1 Maximise natural lightMaximising natural light in the home is important to maintain concentration levels and reduces the need for artificial light, helping to maintain good eye health.Rebecca said: “To maximise natural light, place a mirror opposite the window to reflect and double the sunshine coming in. This might also be a good time to shift your workspace to be as close to the window as possible, to take advantage of the light and rest your eyes by looking outside.”

2 Make clear distinctions between spaces to work and relaxAs much of the nation continues to work from home, it’s important to prioritise having a separation between work and rest. One easy way to do this is by creating distinct spaces and zones in the house.“The same principles apply to the parts of the home meant for relaxation. The bedroom should be a cosy place to unwind, so indulge in softer textures and finishes for comfort,” said Rebecca.

3 Create a reading nook (or craft zone)随着生活继续呆在家里,人ing away from their devices and delving into a good book, starting DIY projects and exercising more, so why not have a dedicated space for your lockdown hobby?“This should be a part of the home that focuses on a healthy or creative activity, or one that feels restorative,” Rebecca said.

4 Tidy up and declutterPart of creating a calm space is having one that is free of unnecessary clutter, where it’s easy to locate what’s needed. Rebecca says: “Take the opportunity to spring clean the home and rearrange it in a way that maximises space, functionality, and happiness and satisfaction,” said Rebecca,