Daniel Radcliffe has been reading Harry Potter to fans on video - here’s how to watch

Daniel Radcliffe has surprised fans by reading the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to spread joy during lockdown.

Daniel Radcliffe has surprised fans by reading the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to spread joy during lockdown.

His reading comes as part of the Harry Potter atHomeinitiative, created by the book’s author,JK Rowling, alongside Wizarding World Digital, as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking about the project last month, Rowling said she launched the initiative since "parents, teachers and carers working to keep children amused and interested while we're on lockdown might need a bit of magic".

Who is taking part in the initiative?

Radcliffe, who played the titular character in the film adaptations of the book series, kicked off the series by reading the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

In the video, which began making the rounds onTwittersoon after it was posted, Radcliffe read the chapter from the comfort of his sofa.

Other celebrities taking part in the reading initiative include Eddie Redmayne andStephen Fry, Dakota Fanning, Noma Dumezweni, and David Beckham.

Each celebrity is set to read a different chapter of the first book in the seven part series.

Where can I watch the videos?

The videos will be released weekly on the Wizarding World’s website, from now until the middle of summer.

Audio versions of the readings will also be available on Spotify, Audible and OverDrive.


The reading provoked immediate excitement from fans on Twitter.

One user said "This made my quarantine.”

Another wrote, “Harry Potter reading Harry Potter...YES!”

The video has even caused some to become somewhat emotional.

“omg i saw this this morning and may or may not have cried,” one fan tweeted.

Another simply exclaimed the news had them “crying”.