Captain Sir Tom Moore’s family are with him in hospital - what is his current condition?

队长汤姆爵士摩尔coronavi被送进了医院rus - this is his current condition (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images) 队长汤姆爵士摩尔coronavi被送进了医院rus - this is his current condition (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)
队长汤姆爵士摩尔coronavi被送进了医院rus - this is his current condition (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)

Captain Sir Tom Moore’s family are with him in hospital after he was admitted withCovid-19.

The 100 year old Second World War veteran, who won the nation’s heart after raising over £33 million whilst walking laps in his garden during the UK’s first lockdown, was taken to Bedford Hospital on Sunday (31 Jan), having tested positive for coronavirus, and required help with his breathing.

‘Members of Captain Tom’s family are with him’

In a statement released with his daughters’ consent, Bedford Hospital revealed it continued to care for him.

“Bedford Hospital continues to care for Captain Sir Tom Moore. At this time members of Captain Tom’s family are with him,” the statement said.

“We respectfully request that media give the family space and privacy and do not contact them directly so they can focus on their father, grandfather and father-in-law."

Bedford Hospital states on its website that visitors are not permitted due to current restrictions, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

The family confirmed Captain Sir Tom’s illness through a statement, released online on Sunday. Hannah Ingram-Moore, said her father had been treated for pneumonia over the past few weeks and tested positive for Covid-19 last week.

He was admitted to hospital on Sunday 31 January. Ms Ingram-Moore said her father is being treated in a ward, and is not in intensive care. He was at home until Sunday, when he needed “additional help with his breathing”.

His daughter has said Sir Tom has received “remarkable” medical care, and his family knows “the wonderful staff at Bedford Hospital will do all they can to make him comfortable and hopefully return home as soon as possible”.

Captain Sir Tom had not yet received the Covid-19 vaccine due to the medication he was receiving for pneumonia, a spokeswoman for the family said.

Well wishes across the country

Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted his well wishes to Capt Sir Tom, saying: “My thoughts are very much with @Captain Tom Moore and his family. You've inspired the whole nation, and I know we are all wishing you a full recovery."

England’s national football teams tweeted saying: "We're very sorry to hear this. We are thinking of you all and hoping Captain Sir Tom makes a full and speedy recovery."

Mayor of London,Sadiq Khanin a tweet thanked the work from the NHS and hoped for a “speedy recovery” to get Capt Sir Tom “back home with his family soon”.

Michael Ball, who recorded a charity single with Capt Sir Tom that reached number one in the charts, tweeted: “Love and prayers for @captaintommoore and his lovely family as he battles this bastard of a virus. Stay strong Sir. We are all here for you.”

How Captain Sir Tom Moore won the UK’s heart

The 100 year old shot to fame after raising £32.7 million for the NHS by walking 100 laps of his garden before he turned 100 years old in April 2020.

Sir Tom suffered a broken hip in 2018 and also required treatment for skin cancer of the head. His family said this experience inspired him to do something to help the NHS during the pandemic, and he decided to walk 100 laps of his garden in Marston Moretaine.

His achievements were acknowledged when theQueenknighted him - her first official engagement in person after lockdown restrictions were lifted. This was done at a special outdoor ceremony at Windsor Castle.

汤姆爵士发布了一个慈善机构单你的封面Never Walk Alone with singer Michael Ball, which reached number one in the charts, making him the oldest artist ever to have a UK number one single.

To mark his 100th birthday, the RAF arranged a special flypast of a Spitfire and a Hurricane, and also made him an honorary colonel.

He was made an honorary member of the England Cricket team, and was sent more than 140,000 birthday cards, including a signed card from the Queen.

Sir Tom said at the time: “People keep saying what I have done is remarkable, however it’s actually what you have done for me which is remarkable. The past three weeks have put a spring back in my step.

“I have renewed purpose and have thoroughly enjoyed every second of this exciting adventure.”

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