'Build the Future' announced as theme for National Apprenticeship Week

National apprenticeship week

February 7 to 13 sees the 15th annual celebration of National Apprenticeship Week. During this time, companies plan conferences and talks on education and how best to improve employability skills.

The celebration will take place across England with employability skills at the forefront (photo: adobe) The celebration will take place across England with employability skills at the forefront (photo: adobe)
The celebration will take place across England with employability skills at the forefront (photo: adobe)

Consider your career options

In addition, information events are held to work toward training and original ideas to develop apprenticeships. Resources such as tool-kits and mind maps are shared to assist with understanding apprentices.

The occasion is such a great way to think and plan for the future (photo: adobe) The occasion is such a great way to think and plan for the future (photo: adobe)
The occasion is such a great way to think and plan for the future (photo: adobe)

这允许人们考虑到学徒route to look at all options available and what works best for them in their field. It also enables employers to network and build valuable connections with other companies.

There is so much to benefit from

One of the event’s main aims is to encourage people of any age to reach their career goals through apprenticeships. Skills Funding Agency Apprenticeships Director Peter Mucklow said: “National Apprenticeship Week is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate.

“There are many benefits that apprenticeships being to employers, individuals and the wider economy”.Apprenticeship routes have positive effects in the long term for those looking for a way into their chosen field and industry. Apprenticeships build skills now and for the future, forming an important part of many organisations’ recruitment, skills and business strategies.

“We want employers to showcase how they are realising the return on their investment when apprentices are brought into the business.”