Brits work almost 100 hours less each month than the world's most hardworking countries

The majority of Brits consider themselves either dedicated or put-upon employees - “overworked and underpaid” - and some professions, such as the health service, can back this up.

However, the average Briton works shorter days than most of Europe, and almost five hours less than some of the world’s most hardworking countries.

New research also found that the classic 9-to-5 doesn’t exist anymore with most British workers now starting work at 8.30am or working later in the evenings.

However, out of the whole of Europe, only Finnish and Italian employees work less hours than Brits.

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    The extensive study the daily habits of office workers around the world found that Finland tied with Canada for the shortest working day at only six hours and 45 minutes.

    At the other end of the scale, Romanians work the longest days in Europe, lasting nine hours and 45 minutes - which equates to 50 hours more than the UK each month.

    But even these figures are dwarfed by worldwide statistics that found that employees in Nigeria, Cameroon and Korea have the longest working days, lasting an average of 12 hours.

    Korea choice

    Korean employees have the latest evenings as the workday is followed-up with informal meetings and staff dinners meaning the day can continue until 9pm.

    In Europe, it’s Spanish workers who have the latest evenings due to the infamous siesta, although the research found that the afternoon nap isn’t as popular as in the past, with many employees using the extended break to take a longer lunch rather than going home to sleep.

    The Spanish government has been keen to scrap the siesta for many years, in an attempt to bring the country more in line with the rest of Europe.

    The research found that despite arguments that public transport is more efficient in other European cities, the commute for a UK worker is almost identical to the European average, taking slightly over half an hour each way.

    Greeks faced the most frustrating commutes in Europe, spending an hour on the road or public transport to and from work.

    However, workers in Nigeria have the most dreaded commute globally, with employees traveling to and from work for six hours on top of their hectic 12-hour working day.

    And despite being out of the house for 18 hours a day, Nigerian workers on average are only entitled to a one-hour lunch break.

    Catherine Bannan, HR manager, speaking on the findings said: “It’s understandable for Brits to feel overworked, but taking our findings into account, things could be a whole lot tougher.”